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雅思口语新题解析:someone you spend a lot of time

2025-03-14 14:52


小编: 0
Part2 新话题:
Describe someone you spend a lot of time with

-Who this person is

-How you knew him/her

-How often you meet each other

-Explain what you usually do together

< 范例 >

The person I spend the most time with is my cousin Mia. To put it simply,she’s not just family but also my closest confidant. We’ve been inseparable since childhood, and her vibrant personality always keeps me on my toes.
We grew up in the same neighborhood, so our bond was forged naturally.I vividly remember our first collaboration—a school science project in middle school. Her creativity and ability to think outside the box immediately clicked with me. From then on, we became partners in everything, from homework to weekend adventures.
We meet almost every day, even if it’s just a quick video call. Since we now attend the same university, we make a habit of sharing meals at the campus canteen. On weekends, we dedicate at least half a day to joint activities, rain or shine.
Our time revolves around two main passions: cooking and urban exploration. Every Friday evening, we dive into experimenting with new recipes—last week, we attempted making sushi from scratch, which turned into a hilarious mess but taught us patience. On Sundays, we explore hidden gems in the city, like indie bookstores or rooftop gardens,soaking up the local culture.
What truly stands out about Mia is her knack for turning mundane tasks into adventures. Even grocery shopping becomes fun as we challenge each other to find the most exotic ingredient. She’s taught me to embrace spontaneity and avoid falling into a predictable routine. Her enthusiasm is contagious, making every moment together memorable.






Language Bit

To put it simply - 简而言之

Confidant - 可信的密友
Inseparable - 形影不离的
Vibrant personality - 充满活力的个性
Keep someone on their toes - 让某人保持活跃/警觉
Forge naturally - 自然形成
Think outside the box - 跳出框架思考
Click with someone - 与某人合得来
Make a habit of - 养成…习惯
Revolves around - 围绕...展开
Dive into - 全心投入(某事)
From scratch - 从零开始
Hidden gems - 隐藏的瑰宝
Soak up - 吸收(文化、氛围等)
Stand out about sb. - 某人突出的特点
Knack for... - 在某方面有天生的才能或熟练的技巧
Embrace spontaneity - 拥抱随性
Predictable routine - 一成不变的日常

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